CONCEPTS USED: Greedy algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm. DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Hard PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Karan's came home after a long time and he wants to visit all the relatives. The total number of...
Concepts Used String, Hashing Difficulty Level Easy Problem Statement (Simplified): Find the first non-repeating character in the string, print -1 if all characters are repeating. See original problem statement here...
Concepts Used String Difficulty Level Easy Problem Statement (Simplified): Find the minimum length of substring, which on replacing with any other substring of the same length gives a string containing...
CONCEPTS USED: Searching, Basic Mathematics DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Hard PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given chocolates of 3 types A, B, C with their frequencies f_A,f_B and f_C, you need to pack these chocolates...
CONCEPTS USED: Searching DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Easy PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given a sorted array A and a number x. find the largest value in the array that is less than or equal...
CONCEPTS USED: Recursion DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Hard PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given N pairs of Binary Numbers 0 and 1, your task is to generate all possible combinations such that for each 0...
CONCEPTS USED: Binary Search, Mathematics DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Hard PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given a number N, your task is to find the count of all such numbers that have N trailing zeros...
CONCEPTS USED: Searching DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Easy PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given an array A of unique heights of buildings. The sun is facing buildings from left to right, print the number of...
CONCEPTS USED: Arrays DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Hard PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given an array A of N positive integers. The task is to find the maximum of j - i such that A[j]...
CONCEPTS USED: Basic Mathematics DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Medium PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given an array A with N-1 elements, with elements from 1 to N present into it. Find a single missing element....
CONCEPTS USED: Basic Mathematics DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Hard PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given a magical container such that whenever :- A Red Stone is added to the ith bag, the quality factor of...
CONCEPTS USED: Post Min array DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Hard PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given an array A with N elements, your task is to divide the array in maximum possible segments such that...
CONCEPTS USED: Hashing DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Easy PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given an array A with N elements containing all elements from 0 to N-1, your task is to find the maximum length...
CONCEPTS USED: Hashing DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Easy PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given an array A with N integers, find the count of unique integers in the array. See original problem statement here For...
CONCEPTS USED: Basic Mathematics DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Medium PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Print all those elements that have no element greater than them in the right side of the array. Print elements from...
Finding the number of subarrays with a sum greater than or equal to a given value K is a common problem in array manipulation. The task involves determining the count...
Concepts used: Two Pointers Technique Difficulty level: Medium Problem statement(SIMPLIFIED): Given an array A with N elements arranged in an ascending order, also given a number K. Check if their...
In this article, we will be looking at how we can solve the problem Greater than neighbor, in which you are given an Array and you need to print all...
CONCEPTS USED: Searching DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Hard PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given a number N, find the smallest number that has same set-of-digits as N and is greater than N. If N is...
CONCEPTS USED: Hashing DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Medium PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given N ages of students of a college and some conditions which determine whether A can Friend Request B or not. Determine...
CONCEPTS USED: Recursion DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Medium PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given a matrix M*N containing only lowercase english alphabets, your task is to select elements from the first row one by one,...
CONCEPTS USED: Recursion DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Medium PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given a number N, your task is to print all possible permutations of its Binary Representation. NOTE : Print the output in...
CONCEPTS USED: Recursion DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Easy PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given a number N, check whether the number is palindrome or not using recursion. The palindrome number remains the same when its...
CONCEPTS USED: Recursion DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Easy PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given a number N, print its decreasing sequence (i.e. keep subtracting by 5) till it reaches (<=0) and then print its increasing...
CONCEPTS USED: Basic Mathematics DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Easy PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): With a given array of size N, find the largest (maximum) and smallest (minimum) element from the elements. See original problem...
CONCEPTS USED: Basic Mathematics DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Medium PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): With a given array of size N and steps K, we have to print the array after K rotations to the...
CONCEPTS USED: Recursion DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Easy PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given a String T, find the 1st occurrence of the capital (uppercase) alphabet. Print its index if present, else -1. See original...
CONCEPTS USED: Recursion DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Medium PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given an array containing N elements and an integer K, find the number of ways to calculate the value of K using...
CONCEPTS USED: Recursion DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Hard PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given a digit N and an integer Sum, print all the N-digit integers whose digit sum is equal to the given Sum....
CONCEPTS USED: Sliding Window Technique DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Medium PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given an array A, we need to find two sub-arrays with specific lengths L and R such that sum of...