Last Updated on April 6, 2022 by Ria Pathak
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Problem Statement (Simplified):
Print the decimal output of fraction of two given numbers and enclose the repeating part in decimal places in brackets. For example, for a given input of 2 and 3, it’s fraction is 2/3. It’s decimal representation would be 0.6666 where 6 repeats indefinitely, so we cover 6 in brackets and puts output as 0.
See original problem statement here
Solving Approach :
- If a fraction is non-repeating, any of it’s remainder will come 0 on repetitive division.
- We know decimal portion repeats itself when a remainder repeats.
- So we’ll check if any remainder repeats and will note it’s last position in quotient.
- After we note it, we finish the process of division as now quotient will repeat itself if it goes on.
- Now print the integer part, a decimal point, non-repeating decimal part, an opening bracket, repeating decimal part and an closing bracket if there is any recurring decimal places.
- If there is no recurring decimal portion, just print the integer part, decimal point and fraction.
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int num,den; scanf("%d%d", &num,&den); int firstValue = num/den; num -= firstValue * den; int remPos[1000000] = {0}; char quotient[15]; int recurr = 0; int rem = num % den ; int quoPos = 0; remPos[rem] = 1; int i = 0; if(rem!=0) i = 1; for( ; rem && !recurr; i++){ int temp = rem * 10; while(temp<den){ if(remPos[temp] > 0){ rem = temp; quotient[quoPos++] = '0'; recurr = 1; break; } temp *= 10; quotient[quoPos++] = '0'; } if(recurr) break; num = temp; rem = num % den; quotient[quoPos++] = num/den + '0'; if(rem == 0){ break; } else{ if(remPos[rem] > 0){ recurr = 1; break; } else{ remPos[rem] = i+1; } } } quotient[quoPos] = '\0'; if(!recurr){ if(i == 0 ) printf("%d",firstValue); else printf("%d.%s",firstValue,quotient); }else{ printf("%d.",firstValue); for(int k=0; k<remPos[rem]-1; k++) printf("%c",quotient[k]); printf("("); for(int k=remPos[rem]-1; k<quoPos; k++){ printf("%c",quotient[k]); } printf(")\n"); } }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int num,den; cin>>num>>den; char dec[100000]; int firstValue = num/den; num -= firstValue * den; int remPos[1000000] = {0}; int remainders[1000000] = {0}; char quotient[15]; bool recurr = false; int rem = num % den ; int quoPos = 0; remPos[rem] = 1; int i = 0; if(rem!=0) i = 1; for( ; rem && !recurr; i++){ int temp = rem * 10; while(temp<den){ if(remPos[temp] > 0){ rem = temp; quotient[quoPos++] = '0'; recurr = true; break; } temp *= 10; quotient[quoPos++] = '0'; } if(recurr) break; num = temp; rem = num % den; quotient[quoPos++] = num/den + '0'; if(rem == 0){ break; } else{ if(remPos[rem] > 0){ recurr = true; break; } else{ remPos[rem] = i+1; } } } quotient[quoPos] = '\0'; if(!recurr){ if(i == 0 ) cout<<firstValue; else cout<<firstValue<<"."<<quotient; }else{ cout<<firstValue<<"."; for(int k=0; k<remPos[rem]-1; k++) cout<<quotient[k]; cout<<"("; for(int k=remPos[rem]-1; k<quoPos; k++){ cout<<quotient[k]; } cout<<")"; } cout<<endl; }
import java.util.*; import*; import java.lang.Math; public class Main { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { Scanner sc= new Scanner(; int num = sc.nextInt(); int den = sc.nextInt(); int firstValue = 0; int rem = 0; if(den != 0){ firstValue = num/den; rem = num % den ; } num -= firstValue * den; int remPos[] = new int[1000000]; String quotient = ""; int recurr = 0; remPos[rem] = 1; int i = 0; if(rem!=0) i = 1; for( ; rem!=0 && recurr==0 ; i++){ int temp = rem * 10; while(temp0){ rem = temp; quotient += '0'; break; } temp *= 10; quotient += '0'; } if(recurr == 1) break; num = temp; rem = num % den; quotient += (char)(num/den + (int)('0')); if(rem == 0){ break; } else{ if(remPos[rem] > 0){ recurr = 1; break; } else{ remPos[rem] = i+1; } } } if(recurr==0){ if(i == 0 ) System.out.print(firstValue ); else System.out.print(firstValue + "." + quotient); }else{ System.out.print(firstValue + "."); for(int k=0; k
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