A queue is an ordered collection of elements in which the addition of one element happens at one end known as REAR and the removal of existing elements occurs at...
Given an array, we have to sort it using heap sort. Heap Sort is a sorting algorithm based on the binary heap data structure in which first we have to...
The queue is a linear data structure that works on the principle of First in First out (FIFO). In the queue, the element which is added at least recently is...
Problem Statement: Given a binary tree, our task is to check whether the given tree follows the max heap property or not. What is a Binary Tree? Binary tree is...
Priority Queue Priority queues are abstract data structures where each element in the queue has a priority value. For example, in any airline, baggage under the “First-Class” or “Business” arrives...
In data structures, stack and queue are part of linear data structure. Stack Stack follows the principle of LIFO (Last in First out) i.e. element which is inserted at last...
Memory allocation is the process of allocating memory to a computer program. In Python, the process of memory allocation and deallocation is handled automatically as there is a garbage collector...
Static allocation: In static allocation, space allocation for all the data objects is done at the compile time. In this type of allocation, all the decisions are made by the...
What is Heap? Heap Data structure primarily focuses on representing priority queue. Min - Heap follows the property of a complete binary tree in which the value of the internal...
A heap is simply a binary tree with some additional rules that it has to follow. There are two rules which differentiate heap structures from any other tree structure. Rules...
Heap Data structure primarily focuses on representing priority queue. In Python, there is an inbuilt module “heapq” which is used for implementing Heap data structure. By default, Min Heap is...
Binary Tree: A Binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children i.e. the left child and right child. Representation: A binary tree...
Problem Statement: Given an array of integers, how We have to check if the given array represents a binary max-heap or not. First, we’ll see what is Binary heaps and...
Problem statement: The Statement is quite straightforward given a max heap, find the minimum element present in the heap. A Max heap is a complete binary tree and in the...
A heap is a specialized tree-based data structure that satisfies the heap property. It is commonly used to implement priority queues and efficient sorting algorithms like heapsort. The heap property...
make_heap(): make_heap() function is used to transform a sequence into a heap. Heap is a data structure in which we can place elements accordingly, and make them accessible in O(1)...
Heaps algorithms are employed for generating all conceivable permutations of n-decimals within a number. This algorithm minimizes the need for extensive rearrangements, essentially constructing each permutation from its predecessor by...
Binary heaps and BSTs differ in their structure, operations, and use cases. Binary heaps excel at providing efficient priority queue operations and have a simple structure. They are well-suited for...
What is Heap? A heap is a complete binary tree, A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which all the levels are completely filled except the last level...
Problem Statement: In this problem, we will be given a binary search tree and we have to convert the Binary search tree into a min-heap. This condition is applied to...
A heap is a complete binary tree, A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which all the levels are completely filled except the last level i.e. leaf node....
What is Binary Heap? A Binary Heap is a complete binary tree that follows a heap ordering property. The representation is done as: Parent Node: (i-1)/2 Left Child: (2i) +...
Skew Heap: So basically, Skew Heap is a heap data structure implemented as a binary tree. Skew Heap has an advantage over binary trees as skew heaps merge more quickly...
Problem Statement: In this problem, we have given an array, and we have to sort the array in decreasing order using a min-heap. Example: Input : arr[] = {1, 50,...
1. What are the SDLC models present? Ans. Waterfall Model, Spiral Model, Big-bag model, Iterative Model, and V- Model are some of the famous SDLC models. 2. What are the...
A String in C is basically a sequence of characters/symbols which is terminated with a null character \0. E.g., char str = “this is a string” Let us see how...
Thousands of job seekers apply every year to Cisco where their skills are tested and thoroughly. Here we will be discussing some of the important questions that were commonly asked...
CONCEPTS USED: Josephus Problem DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Hard PROBLEM STATEMENT(SIMPLIFIED): Given a circular linked list containing N elements from 1 - N arranged in increasing order and an integer M. Your...
In this article, we’ve covered the top 20 must practice basic C++ practice problems for beginners. It is advised to solve these questions from your side, i.e., this article should...