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Last Updated on March 23, 2022 by Ria Pathak

Concepts Used

Depth First Search, Graph

Difficulty Level


Problem Statement :

Check whether the graph is a tree or not.

See original problem statement here

Solution Approach :

Introduction :

For a graph to be tree, there should not be any loops and every vertex must be reachable from atleast one other vertex.

This problem can be solved by many ways like Breadth First Search, Depth First Search or Disjoint Set. Below we are going to discuss two of the above mentioned methods to solve this problem.

Method 1 :

The graph must follow these properties:
If there are n vertices then there must be n-1 edges.
It should be connected i.e. every vertex can be reached with atleast one other vertex.

In trees, every node/vertex is connected to atleast one other vertex. Also the total number of edges is also n-1 for n nodes.

Method 2 :

The another way of checking our graph whether it is a tree or not that it should have following properties:
It must not contain any cycle.
It must be connected.

As, we can see this approach is almost similar to the approach in method 1, our goal is to make sure that our graph has no loops or in other words it has exactly n-1 edges and must be connected. By this way we can ensure our graph is a tree, otherwise not. Refer to the example below for better understanding.

See C++ implementation below.

Algorithms :

dfs() :

  1. For each call, for some vertex v ( dfs(v) ), we will mark the vertex v as visited (visited[v]= true).
  2. Iterate for all the adjacent vertices of v and for every adjacent vertex a, do following :
    if a is not visited i.e visited[a]= false,
    and if a has value 1.
    recursively call dfs (a).

Complexity Analysis:

The time complexity of the first method is represented in the form of O(V+E), where V is the number of verices and E is the number of edges.

The space complexity of the algorithm is O(V) for visited[] array.


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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define INT_MIN -99999
struct node {
int vertex;
struct node* next;
struct node* createNode(int);
struct Graph {
int numVertices;
struct node** adjLists;
// Create a node
struct node* createNode(int v) {
struct node* newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
newNode->vertex = v;
newNode->next = NULL;
return newNode;
// Create a graph
struct Graph* createAGraph(int vertices) {
struct Graph* graph = malloc(sizeof(struct Graph));
graph->numVertices = vertices;
graph->adjLists = malloc(vertices * sizeof(struct node*));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < vertices; i++)
graph->adjLists[i] = NULL;
return graph;
// Add edge
void addEdge(struct Graph* graph, int s, int d) {
// Add edge from s to d
struct node* newNode = createNode(d);
newNode->next = graph->adjLists[s];
graph->adjLists[s] = newNode;
// Add edge from d to s
newNode = createNode(s);
newNode->next = graph->adjLists[d];
graph->adjLists[d] = newNode;
void dfs(struct Graph *adj,int visited[], int v)
visited[v]= 1;
struct node *u = adj->adjLists[v];
//for (i = adj[v].begin(); i != adj[v].end(); ++i)
u= u->next;
int isTree(struct Graph *adj,int n)
int visited[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
{visited[i] = 0; }
for (int u = 0; u < n; u++)
if (!visited[u])
return 0;
return 1;
int main()
int t;
int n,e;
scanf("%d %d",&n,&e);
struct Graph* graph = createAGraph(n);
int edge = e;
int u,v;
scanf("%d %d",&u,&v);
addEdge(graph, u,v);
if(edge == n-1 && isTree(graph,n))
return 0;
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #define INT_MIN -99999 //ADJACENCY LIST struct node { int vertex; struct node* next; }; struct node* createNode(int); struct Graph { int numVertices; struct node** adjLists; }; // Create a node struct node* createNode(int v) { struct node* newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); newNode->vertex = v; newNode->next = NULL; return newNode; } // Create a graph struct Graph* createAGraph(int vertices) { struct Graph* graph = malloc(sizeof(struct Graph)); graph->numVertices = vertices; graph->adjLists = malloc(vertices * sizeof(struct node*)); int i; for (i = 0; i < vertices; i++) graph->adjLists[i] = NULL; return graph; } // Add edge void addEdge(struct Graph* graph, int s, int d) { // Add edge from s to d struct node* newNode = createNode(d); newNode->next = graph->adjLists[s]; graph->adjLists[s] = newNode; // Add edge from d to s newNode = createNode(s); newNode->next = graph->adjLists[d]; graph->adjLists[d] = newNode; } void dfs(struct Graph *adj,int visited[], int v) { visited[v]= 1; struct node *u = adj->adjLists[v]; while(u) //for (i = adj[v].begin(); i != adj[v].end(); ++i) { if(!visited[u->vertex]) dfs(adj,visited,u->vertex); u= u->next; } } int isTree(struct Graph *adj,int n) { int visited[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {visited[i] = 0; } dfs(adj,visited,0); for (int u = 0; u < n; u++) if (!visited[u]) return 0; return 1; } int main() { int t; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--){ int n,e; scanf("%d %d",&n,&e); struct Graph* graph = createAGraph(n); int edge = e; while(e--) { int u,v; scanf("%d %d",&u,&v); addEdge(graph, u,v); } if(edge == n-1 && isTree(graph,n)) printf("YES\n"); else printf("NO\n"); } return 0; }
#include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define INT_MIN -99999

    struct node {
      int vertex;
      struct node* next;
    struct node* createNode(int);

    struct Graph {
      int numVertices;
      struct node** adjLists;

    // Create a node
    struct node* createNode(int v) {
      struct node* newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
      newNode->vertex = v;
      newNode->next = NULL;
      return newNode;

    // Create a graph
    struct Graph* createAGraph(int vertices) {
      struct Graph* graph = malloc(sizeof(struct Graph));
      graph->numVertices = vertices;

      graph->adjLists = malloc(vertices * sizeof(struct node*));

      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < vertices; i++)
        graph->adjLists[i] = NULL;

      return graph;

    // Add edge
    void addEdge(struct Graph* graph, int s, int d) {
      // Add edge from s to d
      struct node* newNode = createNode(d);
      newNode->next = graph->adjLists[s];
      graph->adjLists[s] = newNode;

      // Add edge from d to s
      newNode = createNode(s);
      newNode->next = graph->adjLists[d];
      graph->adjLists[d] = newNode;

     void dfs(struct Graph *adj,int visited[], int v)
        visited[v]= 1;

        struct node *u = adj->adjLists[v]; 
        //for (i = adj[v].begin(); i != adj[v].end(); ++i)
         u= u->next;

       int isTree(struct Graph *adj,int n) 

        int visited[n]; 
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
            {visited[i] = 0; }


        for (int u = 0; u < n; u++) 
            if (!visited[u]) 
            return 0; 

        return 1; 

    int main() 
    int t;
    int n,e;
    scanf("%d %d",&n,&e);

     struct Graph* graph = createAGraph(n);
       int edge = e;
          int u,v;
          scanf("%d %d",&u,&v);
          addEdge(graph, u,v);

             if(edge == n-1 && isTree(graph,n))

        return 0; 
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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
#include <list>
#include <limits.h>
using namespace std;
class Graph
int V;
list<int> *adj;
bool isCyclicUtil(int v, bool visited[], int parent);
Graph(int V); // Constructor
void addEdge(int v, int w); // to add an edge to graph
void dfs(bool visited[],int i);
bool isTree(); // returns true if graph is tree
Graph::Graph(int V)
this->V = V;
adj = new list<int>[V];
void Graph::dfs(bool visited[], int v)
visited[v]= true;
list<int>::iterator i;
for (i = adj[v].begin(); i != adj[v].end(); ++i)
void Graph::addEdge(int v, int w)
bool Graph::isTree()
bool *visited = new bool[V];
for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
visited[i] = false;
for (int u = 0; u < V; u++)
if (!visited[u])
return false;
return true;
int main()
int t;
int n,e;
Graph g1(n);
int edge = e;
int u,v;
if(edge == n-1 && g1.isTree())
return 0;
#include<iostream> #include <list> #include <limits.h> using namespace std; class Graph { int V; list<int> *adj; bool isCyclicUtil(int v, bool visited[], int parent); public: Graph(int V); // Constructor void addEdge(int v, int w); // to add an edge to graph void dfs(bool visited[],int i); bool isTree(); // returns true if graph is tree }; Graph::Graph(int V) { this->V = V; adj = new list<int>[V]; } void Graph::dfs(bool visited[], int v) { visited[v]= true; list<int>::iterator i; for (i = adj[v].begin(); i != adj[v].end(); ++i) { if(!visited[*i]) dfs(visited,*i); } } void Graph::addEdge(int v, int w) { adj[v].push_back(w); adj[w].push_back(v); } bool Graph::isTree() { bool *visited = new bool[V]; for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) visited[i] = false; dfs(visited,0); for (int u = 0; u < V; u++) if (!visited[u]) return false; return true; } int main() { int t; cin>>t; while(t--){ int n,e; cin>>n>>e; Graph g1(n); int edge = e; while(e--) { int u,v; cin>>u>>v; g1.addEdge(u,v); } if(edge == n-1 && g1.isTree()) cout<<"YES"<<endl; else cout<<"NO"<<endl; } return 0; }
    #include <list> 
    #include <limits.h> 
    using namespace std; 

    class Graph 
    int V; 
    list<int> *adj; 
    bool isCyclicUtil(int v, bool visited[], int parent); 
    Graph(int V); // Constructor 
    void addEdge(int v, int w); // to add an edge to graph 
    void dfs(bool visited[],int i);
    bool isTree(); // returns true if graph is tree 

    Graph::Graph(int V) 
    this->V = V; 
    adj = new list<int>[V]; 

    void Graph::dfs(bool visited[], int v)
        visited[v]= true;

        list<int>::iterator i; 
        for (i = adj[v].begin(); i != adj[v].end(); ++i)

    void Graph::addEdge(int v, int w) 

    bool Graph::isTree() 

    bool *visited = new bool[V]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) 
        visited[i] = false; 


    for (int u = 0; u < V; u++) 
        if (!visited[u]) 
        return false; 

    return true; 

    int main() 
    int t;
    int n,e;

    Graph g1(n); 
    int edge = e;
      int u,v;

         if(edge == n-1 && g1.isTree())

    return 0; 
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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
import java.util.*;
class Graph
private int V; // No. of vertices
private LinkedList<Integer> adj[]; //Adjacency List
// Constructor
Graph(int v)
V = v;
adj = new LinkedList[v];
for (int i=0; i<v; ++i)
adj[i] = new LinkedList();
// Function to add an edge into the graph
void addEdge(int v,int w)
Boolean isCyclicUtil(int v, Boolean visited[], int parent)
visited[v] = true;
Integer i;
Iterator<Integer> it = adj[v].iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
i =;
if (!visited[i])
if (isCyclicUtil(i, visited, v))
return true;
else if (i != parent)
return true;
return false;
Boolean isTree()
Boolean visited[] = new Boolean[V];
for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
visited[i] = false;
if (isCyclicUtil(0, visited, -1))
return false;
for (int u = 0; u < V; u++)
if (!visited[u])
return false;
return true;
public static void main(String args[])
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
int t= sc.nextInt();
while(t-- !=0)
int n,e;
n = sc.nextInt();
e = sc.nextInt();
Graph g1 = new Graph(n);
int u,v;
u = sc.nextInt();
v = sc.nextInt();
if (g1.isTree())
import*; import java.util.*; class Graph { private int V; // No. of vertices private LinkedList<Integer> adj[]; //Adjacency List // Constructor Graph(int v) { V = v; adj = new LinkedList[v]; for (int i=0; i<v; ++i) adj[i] = new LinkedList(); } // Function to add an edge into the graph void addEdge(int v,int w) { adj[v].add(w); adj[w].add(v); } Boolean isCyclicUtil(int v, Boolean visited[], int parent) { visited[v] = true; Integer i; Iterator<Integer> it = adj[v].iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { i =; if (!visited[i]) { if (isCyclicUtil(i, visited, v)) return true; } else if (i != parent) return true; } return false; } Boolean isTree() { Boolean visited[] = new Boolean[V]; for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) visited[i] = false; if (isCyclicUtil(0, visited, -1)) return false; for (int u = 0; u < V; u++) if (!visited[u]) return false; return true; } public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(; int t= sc.nextInt(); while(t-- !=0) { int n,e; n = sc.nextInt(); e = sc.nextInt(); Graph g1 = new Graph(n); while(e--!=0) { int u,v; u = sc.nextInt(); v = sc.nextInt(); g1.addEdge(u,v); } if (g1.isTree()) System.out.println("YES"); else System.out.println("NO"); } } }
    import java.util.*; 

    class Graph 
        private int V; // No. of vertices 
        private LinkedList<Integer> adj[]; //Adjacency List 

    // Constructor 
    Graph(int v) 
        V = v; 
        adj = new LinkedList[v]; 
        for (int i=0; i<v; ++i) 
            adj[i] = new LinkedList(); 

    // Function to add an edge into the graph 
    void addEdge(int v,int w) 

    Boolean isCyclicUtil(int v, Boolean visited[], int parent) 
        visited[v] = true; 
        Integer i; 

        Iterator<Integer> it = adj[v].iterator(); 
        while (it.hasNext()) 
            i =; 

            if (!visited[i]) 
                if (isCyclicUtil(i, visited, v)) 
                    return true; 

            else if (i != parent) 
            return true; 
        return false; 

    Boolean isTree() 
        Boolean visited[] = new Boolean[V]; 
        for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) 
            visited[i] = false; 

        if (isCyclicUtil(0, visited, -1)) 
            return false; 

        for (int u = 0; u < V; u++) 
            if (!visited[u]) 
                return false; 

        return true; 

    public static void main(String args[]) 
      Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
      int t= sc.nextInt();
      while(t-- !=0)
        int n,e;
        n = sc.nextInt();
        e = sc.nextInt();

        Graph g1 = new Graph(n); 
          int u,v;
          u = sc.nextInt();
          v = sc.nextInt();

        if (g1.isTree()) 

[forminator_quiz id="1928"]

This article tried to discuss Graph. Hope this blog helps you understand and solve the problem. To practice more problems on Graph you can check out MYCODE | Competitive Programming.

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