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screen Command in Linux with Examples

Last Updated on November 30, 2023 by Abhishek Sharma

In the realm of Linux, the command line interface empowers users with a multitude of tools and utilities, enabling efficient management of tasks and processes. Among these, the screen command stands as a versatile tool for creating and managing multiple terminal sessions within a single window. screen allows users to run commands, programs, or scripts persistently, even after logging out, making it a valuable asset for system administrators, developers, and anyone working on remote servers.

This article aims to explore the functionality and applications of the screen command in Linux. We will delve into its usage, providing practical examples and scenarios to illustrate how screen enhances multitasking, facilitates remote access, and ensures the continuity of processes.

What is screen Command in Linux with Examples?

The screen command in Linux is a terminal multiplexer that enables users to create, manage, and manipulate multiple terminal sessions within a single window. It allows you to create "screens" or virtual terminal sessions that operate independently, making it particularly useful for multitasking, running long-term processes, and maintaining persistent connections, especially on remote servers.

Here are some examples illustrating the usage of the screen command:

Example 1: Starting a New screen Session
To initiate a new screen session, simply enter the command:


This creates a new terminal session within the same window. You can start executing commands or programs within this session.

Example 2: Detaching from a screen Session
To detach from an active screen session without terminating it, press Ctrl + A followed by d (for detach):

Ctrl + A, d

This action takes you back to the main terminal without closing the screen session.

Example 3: Listing screen Sessions
To list all available screen sessions along with their status and IDs, use the command:

screen -ls

This displays a list of running screen sessions, indicating whether they are attached or detached.

Example 4: Reattaching to a Detached screen Session
To reattach to a detached screen session, use the command:

screen -r

If there is only one detached session, screen -r will automatically reattach to it. Otherwise, it will prompt you to specify the session ID.

Example 5: Naming screen Sessions
You can name screen sessions for easier identification by using the -S flag:

screen -S session_name

Replace session_name with your preferred name. This allows you to identify and manage sessions more conveniently.

Example 6: Sharing screen Sessions
screen allows multiple users to connect and collaborate within the same session. To share a screen session, the owner of the session can grant access to other users.

Example 7: Sending Commands to a screen Session
If you’re detached from a screen session and want to send a command to it, you can use the -X flag:

screen -r session_name -X stuff 'command\n’

This sends the specified command to the named screen session.

Example 8: Terminating a screen Session
To terminate or close a screen session, ensure you are in the session and then exit the shell as you normally would (exit or Ctrl + D). This action terminates the session.

The screen command offers a robust set of functionalities, enabling users to manage multiple terminal sessions effectively, maintain persistent connections, and enhance productivity within the Linux command-line environment.

In conclusion, the screen command in Linux offers a robust solution for managing terminal sessions, facilitating multitasking, and ensuring the continuity of processes. By familiarizing yourself with screen and its functionalities, you gain the ability to efficiently manage multiple tasks within a single terminal window, detach and reattach sessions, and maintain persistent connections across various scenarios.

Mastering the usage of screen empowers users to navigate complex command-line environments effectively, enhancing productivity and workflow management. Whether you’re an experienced system administrator, a developer working on remote servers, or a casual user seeking efficient terminal session management, screen serves as a valuable tool in the Linux command-line arsenal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on screen in Linux

Here are some FAQs related to Screen command in Linux.

Q1: What is the purpose of the screen command?
screen is a terminal multiplexer that allows users to create, manage, and detach multiple terminal sessions within a single window. It enables running commands or programs persistently, even after disconnecting or logging out.

Q2: How do I create a new screen session?
To create a new screen session, simply type screen in the terminal and press Enter. This will open a new terminal session within the same window.

Q3: How do I detach from a screen session?
To detach from a screen session without terminating it, press Ctrl + A, followed by d (for detach).

Q4: How do I reattach to a detached screen session?
To reattach to a detached screen session, use the command screen -r. If there is only one detached session, screen -r will reattach to it automatically.

Q5: Can I share a screen session with multiple users?
Yes, screen allows multiple users to connect to the same session simultaneously, enabling collaboration and shared terminal access.

Q6: How can I list all available screen sessions?
To list all available screen sessions, use the command screen -ls. This displays a list of running screen sessions with their IDs and status.

Q7: Can I name screen sessions for easier identification?
Yes, you can name screen sessions using the -S flag when creating a session. For example, screen -S session_name creates a session named session_name.

Q8: What are some common use cases for screen?
Common use cases for screen include running long-running processes, managing multiple terminal sessions, maintaining persistent connections to remote servers, and facilitating collaborative work by sharing terminal sessions.

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