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Here is a list of articles related to LINKED LIST which are important for Interview Preparation


  1. A Brief Introduction to Linked Lists
  2. Types of Linked list
  3. Advantage and Disadvantage of Linked List Over Array
  4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Linked List
  5. Applications of Linked List Data Structure
  6. Linked List – Inserting a node
  7. Why is Quicksort preferred for Arrays and Merge Sort for Linked Lists?
  8. Generic Linked List in C
  9. Linked List in C++
  10. Implementing a Linked List in Java using Class
  11. Java.util.LinkedList.offer(), offerFirst(), offerLast() in Java
  12. LinkedList add() method in Java
  13. LinkedList addAll() method in Java
  14. LinkedList descendingIterator in Java with Examples
  15. LinkedList listiterator() method in Java
  16. LinkedList remove() Method in Java
  17. How to Implement Generic LinkedList in java
  18. LinkedList implementation in JavaScript
  19. Add 1 To Number Represented As Linked List
  20. Add One To The Number
  21. Add two numbers represented by linked lists | Set 1
  22. Add two numbers represented by linked lists | Set 2
  23. Adding two polynomials using Linked List
  24. An interesting method to print the reverse of a linked list.
  25. Arrange consonants and vowels nodes in a linked list
  26. Binary search on Linked List
  27. Bubble Sort for Linked List by Swapping Nodes
  28. C Program For Merge Sort For Linked Lists
  29. C program for performing Bubble sort on Linked List
  30. C program to Reverse a Linked List
  31. Check if a linked list of strings forms a palindrome
  32. Check If Linked List Is Palindrome
  33. Check whether the length of given linked list is Even or Odd
  34. Clone a linked list with next and random pointer in O(1) space
  35. Compare two strings represented as linked lists
  36. Construct a Complete Binary Tree from its Linked List Representation
  37. Construct a linked list from a 2D matrix (Iterative approach)
  38. Construct a Maximum Sum Linked List out of two Sorted Linked Lists having some common nodes
  39. Convert a given Binary Tree to Doubly Linked List
  40. Convert a given Binary Tree To Doubly Linked List | Set 3
  41. Convert A String To A Singly Linked List
  42. Count duplicates in a Linked List
  43. Count pairs from two linked lists whose sum is equal to a given value
  44. Count rotations in a sorted and rotated linked list
  45. Create a Linked List From a Given Array
  46. Decimal Equivalent of Binary Linked List
  47. Delete a node at a given position
  48. Delete Alternate Nodes Of A Linked List
  49. Delete Kth Node From The End
  50. Delete middle of linked list
  51. Delete N nodes after M nodes of a Linked List
  52. Delete Nodes From Linked List
  53. Delete nodes that have a greater value on the right side
  54. Delete the last occurrence of an item from the linked list
  55. Delete the middle of a Linked List
  56. Detect and Remove the loop in a linked list
  57. Find a triplet from three linked lists with a sum equal to a given number
  58. Find Length Of A Linked List Iterative And Recursive
  59. Find modular node in a linked list
  60. Find pair for given sum in a sorted singly linked without extra space
  61. Find pair sum
  62. Find the first node of the loop in a Linked List
  63. Find the fractional (or n/k – th) node in linked list
  64. Find The Length of the Loop In The Linked List
  65. Find the smallest and largest elements in a singly linked list
  66. Find the sum of last n nodes of the given Linked List
  67. Flatten a multi-level linked list (Depth wise)
  68. Flatten Binary Tree To Linked List
  69. Function to delete a Linked list
  70. Given a Linked List move the last element to the front
  71. Given a linked list of line segments, remove middle points
  72. Given a Linked List which is sorted, how to insert in a sorted way
  73. Given only a pointer to a node to be deleted in a singly linked list, how do you delete it?
  74. How to Convert all LinkedHashMap Values to a List in Java
  75. How to get a Sublist of LinkedList in Java
  76. How to Get a Value from LinkedHashMap by Index in Java
  77. How To Iterate LinkedList in Java
  78. How To Write C Functions That Modify The Head Pointer Of A Linked List
  79. How to write C functions that modify the head pointer of a Linked List?
  80. Identical Linked Lists
  1. Implement a stack using a singly linked list
  2. Insert a node 
  3. Insert a node after the n-th node from the end
  4. Insert a node at a specific position in a linked list
  5. Insert a node into the middle of the linked list
  6. Insertion Sort for Singly Linked List
  7. Intersection point of two linked lists
  8. Iterative Selection Sort For Linked List
  9. Iteratively Reverse a Linked List Using Only 2 Pointers
  10. Java Program to Reverse a linked list
  11. Java Program to search an element in a Linked List
  12. Length of longest palindrome list in a linked list using O(1) extra space
  13. Linked List Deleting Node
  14. LinkedList removeFirst method in Java
  15. List Reduction
  16. Make loop at K-Th position in the Linked List
  17. Make middle node the head in a linked list
  18. Merge a Linked List into another Linked List at alternate positions
  19. Merge k sorted linked list
  20. Merge K sorted linked lists | Set 1
  21. Merge k sorted linked lists | Set 2 (Using Min Heap)
  22. Merge Sort on a Singly Linked List
  23. Merge two sorted linked lists
  24. Merge two sorted linked lists (in-place)
  25. Merge two sorted linked lists such that the merged list is in reverse order
  26. Merge Two Unsorted Linked Lists To Get A Sorted List
  27. Modify contents of Linked List
  28. Move all occurrences of an element to end in a linked list
  29. Move the first element to the end of the given list
  30. Multiplication of two polynomials using Linked List
  31. Multiply Linked Lists
  32. Multiply two numbers represented by Linked Lists
  33. Palindrome List
  34. Partitioning a linked list around a given value and If we don’t care about making the elements of the list “stable”
  35. Partitioning a linked list around a given value and keeping the original order
  36. Point arbit pointer to greatest value right-side node in a linked list
  37. Practice problem for linked list and Recursion
  38. Print Nodes Of Linked List At Given indexes
  39. Print Reverse Of A Linked List Without Actually Reversing it
  40. Print the reverse of a linked list without extra space and modifications
  41. Priority Queue using a Linked List
  42. Program to convert ArrayList to LinkedList in Java
  43. Program To Reverse A Linked List Using Stack
  44. Python Program to find the middle of a linked list using only one traversal
  45. Python Program to Reverse a linked list
  46. QuickSort on Singly Linked List
  47. Rearrange a given Linked List in-place
  48. Rearrange a linked list such that all even and odd positioned nodes are together
  49. Rearrange the given linked list such that it consists of alternating minimum-maximum elements
  50. Recursive selection sort for singly linked list | Swapping node links
  51. Recursively reversing a Linked List – A simple implementation
  52. Remove all occurrences of duplicates from a sorted linked list
  53. Remove all occurrences of duplicates from a sorted Linked List
  54. Remove duplicates from a sorted linked list
  55. Remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list
  56. Remove every Kth node of the Linked list
  57. Remove Nth Node From End Of The Linked List
  58. Remove the last node of a linked list
  59. Reorder list
  60. Reverse A Sublist Of Linked List
  61. Reverse Linked List
  62. Rotate a Linked List
  63. Run Length Decoding in Linked List
  64. Search an element in a Linked List (Iterative and Recursive)
  65. Segregate even and odd nodes in a Linked List
  66. Sort a Linked List of 0s, 1s and 2s
  67. Sort a linked list of 0s, 1s, and 2s by changing links
  68. Sort a linked list that is sorted alternating ascending and descending orders
  69. Squareroot(n)-th node in a Linked List
  70. Student Record Management System Using Linked List
  71. Sublist Search (Search a linked list in another list)
  72. Subtract two numbers represented as Linked Lists
  73. Swap Kth node from beginning with Kth node from end in the given Linked List
  74. Swap nodes in a linked list without swapping data
  75. The intersection of two Sorted Linked Lists
  76. The most efficient way to Pairwise swap elements of a given linked list
  77. Union and Intersection of two Linked Lists
  78. Union intersection Two Linked Lists Using Merge Sort
  79. Write a C function to print the middle of a linked list
  80. Can we reverse a linked list in less than O(n)?

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