Last Updated on April 8, 2022 by Ria Pathak

Java being one of the most popular languages is sometimes quite intimidating. Most of you must have heard or even used both core java and advanced java concepts at some point of time. Well, in this article I will briefly differentiate these two and make your understanding about both a bit clearer.
Core Java is the fundamental form of Java which is used to create platform applications, services etc, whereas Advanced Java is the extended features of Java that is used to create mobile applications, databases handling, networking etc.
Let’s get into actual differences between these two –
- Core Java mostly comprises of OOPs concepts and their usage and other than this whatever is present in the frontline is called the advanced java. Core Java comes under a single tire architecture, I/O and net packages. It can be extended through wrapper classes.
- Core Java is mostly used in applications and hence most client-side applications are written in core java where as Advanced Java comprises of both client and server architecture.
- Advanced Java brings in a lot of benefits too like –
- Network Centric architecture: It provides wide range of methods to develop applications which can be shared across platforms.
- Provides multi-threading which improves process and CPU utilization.
- Core Java programming extends to thread concepts, automatic garbage collection, sockets etc which are the fundamentals of web-based applications. Advanced Java involves the concepts of packages, JSON parsing, REST service creation etc.
- Standard Java (SE) comes under core Java where as java EE is comprised in advanced java.
- Core Java consists of exception handling, operators, threading etc where as advanced java consists of database connectivity, JSP, server lets etc.
Core Java – General applications
Java SE Single tier, OOPS, exception handling
Advanced Java – Web Based Applications and Database handling, Java EE, Two tiers Socket programming, threads
This basically completes the general difference between core java and advanced java. Summarizing the facts that advanced java is mostly used in web-based applications where as core java is used in fundamental programming.
There’s no point in choosing any one as both does different tasks and are equally useful.
This article tried to discuss concept of Java. Hope this blog helps you understand the concept. To practice problems on you can check out MYCODE | Competitive Programming