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Ternary Operator in Java

Last Updated on October 16, 2023 by Ankit Kochar

The Ternary Operator in Java offers a more concise and compact approach to implementing straightforward if-else conditions within a single line of code. Let’s delve into a comprehensive exploration of this operator. A prerequisite for understanding this topic is a familiarity with "If-Else" conditions in Java. So, we are now starting with the definition and syntax of Ternary Operator in Java.

What is Ternary Operator in Java?

Ternary Operator in Java is a shorthand way of writing if-else conditions in Java. In Java, the exclusive conditional operator that accommodates three operands is known as the "ternary operator." It serves as a succinct alternative to the traditional if-then-else statement commonly employed in Java programming. The ternary operator can be leveraged either in place of if-else conditions or in the form of nested ternary operators to rearrange conditions. While it adheres to the same underlying logic as an if-else statement, the ternary operator boasts a compact syntax that promotes more concise code and streamlines the construction of if-else statements.

Syntax of Ternary Operator in Java

The above expression will get executed as:

    variable = Expression2;
    variable = Expression3;

Flowchart of Ternary Operator in Java

Here is a simple flowchart, representing the use of Ternary Operator in Java.

If Expression1 is true, then Expression2 will be executed, else Expression3 is executed.

Examples of Ternary Operator in Java

Here are some of the examples of Ternary Operator in Java, which are showing the various uses of Ternary Operator

Example 1: Using Ternary Operator as an alternative to “if-else” Statement in Java
The ternary operator in Java can be used as an alternative to the if-else statement for simple cases. The syntax for using the ternary operator in this way is:

expression ? result1 : result2;

Here, expression is the expression being evaluated, and result1 is the value that will be returned if the expression is true, and result2 is the value that will be returned if the expression is false.

Here is an example of using the ternary operator as an alternative to the if-else statement:


class Main{
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        int number = 5;
        String message = (number % 2 == 0) ? "Even" : "Odd";
        System.out.println("Number is " + message);


Number is Odd

As you can see, the ternary operator can be used as a compact and concise alternative to the if-else statement.

Example 2: Using Ternary Operator as an alternative to “if-else-if” Statement in Java
The ternary operator in Java can be used as an alternative to the if-else-if statement for simple cases. The syntax for using the ternary operator in this way is:

expression1 == value1 ? result1 : expression1 == value2 ? result2 : expression1 == value3 ? result3 : defaultResult;

Here, expression1 is the expression being evaluated, and value1, value2, value3 are the possible values it can take. result1, result2, result3 are the values that will be returned if the corresponding value is matched, and defaultResult is the value that will be returned if none of the values are matched.

Here is an example of using the ternary operator as an alternative to the if-else-if statement:


class Main{
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        int score = 75;
        String grade = (score >= 90) ? "A" :
               (score >= 80) ? "B" :
               (score >= 70) ? "C" :
               (score >= 60) ? "D" : "F";
        System.out.println("Grade: " + grade);



Grade: C

As you can see, the ternary operator in java can be used as a compact and concise alternative to the if-else-if statement, but it should only be used for simple cases where the conditions and expressions are relatively straightforward. For complex cases, it is better to use the traditional if-else-if statement to avoid making the code harder to understand and maintain.

Example 3: Using Ternary Operator as an alternative to “Switch-Case” Statement in Java
The ternary operator in Java can be used as an alternative to the switch-case statement for simple cases. The syntax for using the ternary operator in this way is as given below:

expression1 == value1 ? result1 : expression1 == value2 ? result2 : expression1 == value3 ? result3 : defaultResult;

Here, expression1 is the expression being evaluated, and value1, value2, value3 are the possible values it can take. result1, result2, result3 are the values that will be returned if the corresponding value is matched, and defaultResult is the value that will be returned if none of the values are matched.

Here is an example of using the ternary operator as an alternative to a switch-case statement:


class Main{
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        int dayOfWeek = 5;
        String dayName = (dayOfWeek == 1) ? "Monday" :
                		(dayOfWeek == 2) ? "Tuesday" :
                		(dayOfWeek == 3) ? "Wednesday" :
                		(dayOfWeek == 4) ? "Thursday" :
                		(dayOfWeek == 5) ? "Friday" :
                		(dayOfWeek == 6) ? "Saturday" :
                		(dayOfWeek == 7) ? "Sunday" : "Invalid Day";
        System.out.println("Day: " + dayName);


Day: Friday

As you can see, the ternary operator in java can be used as a compact and concise alternative to the switch-case statement in the above example for displaying the day of the week, but it should only be used for simple cases where the conditions and expressions are relatively straightforward.

Nesting Ternary Operator in Java

In Java, you can nest ternary operators to create more complex conditional expressions. As studied above, A ternary operator in java is a shorthand way of writing an if-else statement, and has the following syntax:

condition ? valueIfTrue : valueIfFalse

To nest ternary operators, you can simply include another ternary operator as the “valueIfTrue” or “valueIfFalse”. Here’s an example of how you could use nested ternary operators to conditionally assign a value to a variable:

int x = 5;
int y = 10;
int z = 20;
int result = x > y ? (x > z ? x : z) : (y > z ? y : z);

In this example, the outer ternary operator compares x and y. If x is greater than y, the inner ternary operator is evaluated, comparing x and z. If x is greater than z, x is assigned to result, otherwise z is assigned. If x is not greater than y, the inner ternary operator is evaluated, comparing y and z. If y is greater than z, y is assigned to result, otherwise z is assigned.

Note: Although, nested ternary operators can be useful in some cases, they can also make code more complex and harder to read. If you find that your code is becoming too complex to understand using nested ternary operators, it may be better to use an if-else statement instead.

Advantages of Ternary Operator in Java

The ternary operator in Java has many advantages, including

  • Conciseness: Ternary operators allow you to condense simple if-else conditions into a single line of code, reducing code verbosity and enhancing readability.
  • Improved Readability: For straightforward conditions, ternary operators can enhance code readability by presenting the logic more compactly and directly.
  • Reduced Code Volume: Using ternary operators can lead to smaller and more streamlined code files, which are easier to maintain.
  • Ease of Assignment: Ternary operators can be used for assigning values to variables based on conditions, making code for variable initialization more concise.
  • Enhanced Expressiveness: Ternary operators provide a way to express conditional logic more explicitly, making it clear that a particular line of code represents a conditional assignment.
  • Faster Execution: In some cases, the ternary operator may execute faster than its equivalent if-else statement because it evaluates the condition directly.
  • Functional Programming: Ternary operators align with the principles of functional programming, where concise and expressive code is encouraged.

Disadvantages of Ternary Operator in Java

Along with several advantages, the ternary operator in Java also have some disadvantages. These disadvantages are listed below:

  • Limited Complexity: Ternary operators are best suited for simple conditional assignments. Complex conditions may become convoluted and challenging to read when expressed using ternary operators.
  • Reduced Readability: In some cases, ternary operators can reduce code readability, especially when nested multiple times or used with lengthy expressions. Complex ternary expressions can be challenging to understand, leading to maintenance difficulties.
  • Limited Handling of Side Effects: Ternary operators are not well-suited for handling side effects, such as modifying multiple variables or executing multiple statements within different branches of the condition. If you need to perform multiple actions based on a condition, if-else statements are generally more appropriate.
  • Inability to Execute Multiple Statements: Unlike if-else statements, which can execute multiple statements within each branch, ternary operators can only handle single expressions in each branch. This limitation can hinder code organization and maintainability.
  • Potential for Error: Ternary operators can lead to errors if not used carefully. Mistakes in the syntax, such as missing parentheses or incorrect placement of the "?" and ":" symbols, can result in unexpected behavior.
  • Difficulty in Debugging: Debugging code that heavily relies on ternary operators can be more challenging due to the absence of clear branching points. Debugging tools may not provide as much visibility into ternary expressions as they do for if-else statements.

The Ternary operator in Java is a powerful tool for writing concise and expressive code when dealing with simple conditional assignments. It offers advantages such as compactness, improved readability for straightforward conditions, and efficient code. However, it should be used judiciously and avoided for complex conditions to maintain code clarity and readability.

FAQs related to Ternary Operator in Java:

Here are some FAQs related to Ternary Operator in Java.

1. What is the syntax of the ternary operator in Java?
Answer: The syntax is condition ? expression_if_true : expression_if_false.

2. When should I use the ternary operator over if-else statements in Java?
Answer: Use the ternary operator for simple conditional assignments that can be expressed concisely in a single line. If-else statements are more suitable for complex conditions or when multiple actions are required based on the condition.

3. Can I nest ternary operators in Java?
Answer: Yes, you can nest ternary operators, but it’s generally discouraged for complex nesting because it can reduce code readability. Nested if-else statements are often a better choice for complex logic.

4. Are there any limitations to using the ternary operator in Java?
Answer: Yes, the ternary operator is limited in handling complex conditions, multiple actions, and side effects. It may also reduce code readability when used excessively.

5. Is there a difference in performance between the ternary operator and if-else statements in Java?
Answer: In most cases, the difference in performance is negligible. The choice between the ternary operator and if-else statements should primarily be based on code readability and maintainability.

6. Can I use the ternary operator to replace if-else statements entirely in my Java code?
Answer: While the ternary operator can replace simple if-else conditions, it is not a suitable replacement for all if-else statements. Complex conditions and situations requiring multiple actions should still use if-else statements.

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