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C++ Operator Precedence

Last Updated on November 29, 2023 by Ankit Kochar

In C++, operator precedence plays a vital role in determining the order in which operators are evaluated within expressions. Similar to other programming languages, C++ assigns different levels of precedence to its operators, influencing the sequence in which operations are performed. A clear understanding of operator precedence is crucial for writing accurate and efficient C++ code, as it ensures that expressions are evaluated according to the intended logic. This introduction aims to explore the significance of operator precedence in C++, shedding light on how it impacts the behavior of expressions and providing insights into its practical applications.

Ranking the Operator Precedence in C++

C++ encompasses a diverse set of operators, each assigned a distinct level of precedence. The table below outlines that operators with higher precedence or lower ranks undergo evaluation first, while those with equal precedence are assessed from left to right following the associativity rule.

From the above table, we can deduce how the C++ Operator Precedence works in actual expression while performing the order of execution. In the next section, we will be going through examples that can strengthen up our knowledge of C++ Operator Precedence application.

Handling Similar Precedence with Associativity

In case the C++ Operator Precedence is the same then the tiebreaker is performed by taking associativity to resolve that which is either left to right or from right to left.

The evaluation of operators from the left of the expression to right is known as left-to-right associativity. For instance, in the expression a – b – c, the subtraction operators are evaluated from left to right, resulting in (a – b) – c.

On the other hand, right-to-left associativity pertains to the evaluation of operators from the right side of the expression to the left. An example of this is the assignment operator =, which has right-to-left associativity. Thus, in the expression a = b = c, the assignment is executed from right to left, and the expression is equivalent to a = (b = c).

Understanding C++ Operator Precedence Through Examples

Now that we have some solid knowledge of C++ Operator Precedence, let us look at an example to understand the working.

Example 1 of C++ Operator Precedence:

Expression: 4 / 2 * 3 - 1 

In this expression, multiplication and division have the same precedence order. Therefore, we will evaluate them from left to right, according to their associativity rule, which is left-to-right for both multiplication and division.

  • First, we will evaluate 4 / 2, which will leave us with the result 2.
  • Then, we will evaluate 2 * 3, which will give us 6.
  • Finally, we will evaluate 6 – 1, the only left expression to compute giving us the answer as 5.

Example 2 of C++ Operator Precedence:

Expression: 3 | 6 + 2

This expression has two operations, bitwise OR and an addition operator, with both having different precedence ranks. We can take help from the above table to decide which to evaluate first.

According to the precedence rules, the addition operator has a higher precedence than the bitwise OR operator.

So, we must evaluate the addition operation first. Thus, we add 6 and 2, which results in 8, and the expression becomes 3 | 8.

On further solving the OR of both the digits that can be defined as below,


We get the answer of the expression as 11 as above mentioned answer depicts the binary form (1011).

In conclusion, mastering C++ operator precedence is essential for C++ developers seeking to write robust and predictable code. By comprehending the hierarchy of operators and the rules that govern their precedence, developers can craft expressions that yield the desired results. Additionally, the use of parentheses allows programmers to override default precedence and explicitly dictate the order of evaluation, contributing to code readability and precision. As you navigate the intricacies of C++ programming, a solid grasp of operator precedence will undoubtedly enhance your ability to create efficient and error-free code.

Frequently Asked Questions related to C++ Operator Precedence

Below are some of the FAQs related to C++ Operator Precedence:

Q1: What is operator precedence in C++?
Operator precedence in C++ determines the order in which operators are evaluated within expressions. It establishes a hierarchy, ensuring that operations are carried out in a specific sequence.

Q2: How can I override operator precedence in C++?
Parentheses can be used to override default operator precedence in C++. Expressions enclosed in parentheses are evaluated first, allowing developers to explicitly control the order of operations.

Q3: Are all operators in C++ left-associative?
No, not all operators in C++ are left-associative. For example, the assignment operator (=) is right-associative, meaning it is evaluated from right to left.

Q4: Why is operator precedence important for C++ developers?
Operator precedence is crucial for writing correct and efficient C++ code. It ensures that expressions are evaluated according to the intended logic, preventing unexpected results and logical errors.

Q5: Should I always use parentheses to specify the order of evaluation?
While default operator precedence is reliable, using parentheses in expressions can enhance code readability and make the intended order of evaluation explicit. It is often considered good practice, especially in complex expressions, to use parentheses to avoid ambiguity and improve code clarity.

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