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Basic Computer Instructions

Last Updated on June 19, 2024 by Abhishek Sharma

Computers execute a vast array of tasks by following instructions in a precise and systematic manner. These instructions, encoded in binary, form the bedrock of computer operations. Understanding basic computer instructions is crucial for anyone interested in computer science, software development, or IT. This article delves into the fundamentals of computer instructions, exploring their types, functions, and how they enable computers to perform complex operations.

What Are Computer Instructions?

Computer instructions are binary codes that direct a computer’s processor to perform specific operations. These instructions are part of a computer program and are executed sequentially unless directed otherwise. The collection of instructions that a processor can execute is known as its Instruction Set Architecture (ISA).

Components of an Instruction

An instruction typically consists of two main parts:

  • Opcode (Operation Code): Specifies the operation to be performed, such as addition, subtraction, data movement, etc.
  • Operands: Provide the data to be operated on or specify the location of this data.

Types of Basic Computer Instructions

Below are some Types of Basic Computer Instructions:

Data Transfer Instructions
Data transfer instructions move data from one location to another without altering the data itself. These instructions include:

  • MOV: Moves data from one register to another, or from a register to memory and vice versa.
  • LOAD: Loads data from memory into a register.
  • STORE: Stores data from a register into memory.


  • MOV R1, R2 (Moves the content of register R2 to register R1)
  • LOAD R1, 0x1000 (Loads data from memory address 0x1000 into register R1)
  • STORE R1, 0x1000 (Stores data from register R1 into memory address 0x1000)

Arithmetic Instructions
Arithmetic instructions perform mathematical operations on data. Common arithmetic instructions include:

  • ADD: Adds two operands.
  • SUB: Subtracts one operand from another.
  • MUL: Multiplies two operands.
  • DIV: Divides one operand by another.


  • ADD R1, R2 (Adds the content of register R2 to register R1)
  • SUB R1, R2 (Subtracts the content of register R2 from register R1)
  • MUL R1, R2 (Multiplies the content of register R2 with register R1)
  • DIV R1, R2 (Divides the content of register R1 by the content of register R2)

Logical Instructions
Logical instructions perform bitwise operations on data. These include:

  • AND: Performs a bitwise AND operation.
  • OR: Performs a bitwise OR operation.
  • XOR: Performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation.
  • NOT: Performs a bitwise NOT operation.


  • AND R1, R2 (Performs a bitwise AND on the contents of registers R1 and R2)
  • OR R1, R2 (Performs a bitwise OR on the contents of registers R1 and R2)
  • XOR R1, R2 (Performs a bitwise XOR on the contents of registers R1 and R2)
  • NOT R1 (Performs a bitwise NOT on the content of register R1)

Control Flow Instructions
Control flow instructions alter the sequence of execution of instructions. These include:

  • JMP: Unconditional jump to a specified address.
  • JE/JZ: Jump if equal/zero (conditional jump).
  • JNE/JNZ: Jump if not equal/not zero (conditional jump).
  • CALL: Calls a subroutine.
  • RET: Returns from a subroutine.


  • JMP 0x2000 (Jumps to the instruction at address 0x2000)
  • JE 0x2000 (Jumps to the instruction at address 0x2000 if the zero flag is set)
  • CALL 0x3000 (Calls the subroutine at address 0x3000)
  • RET (Returns from the current subroutine)

Data Manipulation Instructions
Data manipulation instructions modify data in various ways. These include:

  • SHL/SAL: Shift left arithmetic.
  • SHR/SAR: Shift right arithmetic.
  • ROL: Rotate left.
  • ROR: Rotate right.


  • SHL R1, 1 (Shifts the content of register R1 left by 1 bit)
  • SHR R1, 1 (Shifts the content of register R1 right by 1 bit)
  • ROL R1, 1 (Rotates the content of register R1 left by 1 bit)
  • ROR R1, 1 (Rotates the content of register R1 right by 1 bit)

How Instructions Are Executed

The execution of computer instructions follows a cycle known as the Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle. This cycle is managed by the CPU and can be broken down into the following steps:

The CPU fetches the instruction from memory. The address of the next instruction is stored in the Program Counter (PC).

  • Instruction Fetch: The CPU reads the instruction from the memory address pointed to by the PC.
  • PC Increment: The PC is incremented to point to the next instruction.

The fetched instruction is decoded to determine what action is required.

  • Instruction Decode: The CPU decodes the instruction to understand the opcode and operands.
  • Operand Fetch: The CPU fetches any required operands from registers or memory.

The decoded instruction is executed, and the result is stored.

  • Instruction Execution: The CPU performs the operation specified by the instruction.
  • Result Storage: The result of the operation is stored in the specified register or memory location.

Examples of Basic Instruction Execution

Example 1: ADD Instruction
Consider the instruction ADD R1, R2.

  • Fetch: The instruction ADD R1, R2 is fetched from memory.
  • Decode: The CPU decodes the instruction to identify the operation (addition) and the operands (R1 and R2).
  • Execute: The CPU adds the contents of R1 and R2, and stores the result in R1.

Example 2: MOV Instruction
Consider the instruction MOV R1, R2.

  • Fetch: The instruction MOV R1, R2 is fetched from memory.
  • Decode: The CPU decodes the instruction to identify the operation (move) and the operands (R1 and R2).
  • Execute: The CPU copies the contents of R2 into R1.

Instruction Formats
Instructions can have different formats depending on the architecture. Common formats include:


  • Format: OPCODE, REG1, REG2
  • Example: ADD R1, R2 (Adds the contents of R2 to R1)
  • Register-to-Memory
  • Example: LOAD R1, 0x1000 (Loads data from memory address 0x1000 into R1)


  • Example: ADD R1, 10 (Adds the immediate value 10 to R1)

Instruction Sets
Different processors use different instruction sets. Two common types of instruction sets are:

CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing)

  • Characteristics: CISC architectures have a large number of complex instructions, some of which can execute multiple low-level operations or address modes in a single instruction.
  • Example: Intel x86 architecture.

RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing)

  • Characteristics: RISC architectures use a smaller number of simpler instructions, aiming for efficiency and speed by executing instructions in a single clock cycle.
  • Example: ARM architecture.

Basic computer instructions are the building blocks of all computing operations. By understanding these instructions and how they are executed, we gain insight into the inner workings of computer systems. From data transfer and arithmetic operations to logical and control flow instructions, each type of instruction plays a vital role in enabling computers to perform complex tasks efficiently. Whether you’re a student, a software developer, or an IT professional, a solid grasp of basic computer instructions is essential for mastering the intricacies of computer science and engineering.

FAQs on Basic Computer Instructions

Here are FAQs related to Basic Computer Instructions:

Q1: What are computer instructions?
Computer instructions are binary codes that direct a computer’s processor to perform specific operations. These instructions form the basis of computer programs and are executed sequentially by the CPU.

Q2: What is the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)?
The Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) is a set of instructions that a processor can execute. It defines the operations, data types, registers, addressing modes, and hardware support for managing software programs.

Q3: What are the main components of a computer instruction?
A computer instruction typically consists of two main components: the opcode (operation code) which specifies the operation to be performed, and operands which provide the data to be operated on or specify the location of this data.

Q4: What are data transfer instructions?
Data transfer instructions move data from one location to another without altering the data itself. Common data transfer instructions include MOV, LOAD, and STORE.

Q5: What is the difference between arithmetic and logical instructions?
Arithmetic instructions perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Logical instructions perform bitwise operations such as AND, OR, XOR, and NOT, manipulating data at the binary level.

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