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getch() Function in C

Last Updated on April 24, 2023 by Prepbytes

Getch in c was introduced to provide a method for console-based programs to accept single-character input and immediately respond to user actions, which was not possible with scanf(). getch() allows for a more interactive and dynamic user experience in C programs

getch() in C

getch in C is a non-standard function that reads a single character from the console without repeating it. It is commonly used in Windows environments for console-based programs and is defined in the conio.h header file.

Syntax for getch in C

The syntax for getch in C:

int getch(void);

Explanation for getch in C:
The function takes no arguments and returns an integer value that represents the character read from the console. The return value is an ASCII code for the character. When you call the getch in c function, the program will wait for the user to input a character. Once a character is inputted, it will be returned by the function, and the program can continue with its execution.

Examples for getch in C:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()
    char c;

    printf("Press any key to continue...");

    c = getch(); // read a character from the console without echoing it

    if (c == 'y' || c == 'Y')
        printf("Program continues...\n");
        printf("Program terminated.\n");
        return 0;

    // rest of program code here...

    return 0;


Explanation for the code:
This program prompts the user to press any key to continue, reads the key using getch in c, and then checks whether the key is ‘y’ or ‘Y’. If the key is ‘y’ or ‘Y’, the program continues executing. If the key is anything else, the program terminates using the return statement. This demonstrates how getch in c can be used to control the flow of a program based on user input.

Some Key Points for getch in C

Here are some key points to keep in mind when using getch() in C:

  • getch() is a function in the C standard library that reads a single character from the keyboard without echoing it to the console.
  • getch() is a non-standard function and is not defined in the ANSI C standard. It is commonly used on Windows platforms, but may not be available on other systems.
  • To use getch() in your program, you need to include the < conio.h> header file.
  • The getch() function reads only one character from the keyboard buffer, so it does not require the user to press Enter to submit the input.
  • The character read by getch() is not displayed on the console, so it can be used to read passwords and other sensitive data.
  • The getch() function is a blocking function, which means that the program will wait until the user enters a character before continuing execution.
  • The getch() function can be used in convergence with other control flow statements, such as loops and conditionals, to create interactive console applications.

In conclusion, the getch in c function is a useful tool for accepting single characters of input from the user in a program. It is commonly used in situations where the user must interact with the program before it terminates, such as waiting for the user to press a key before closing a window or exiting a program. The getch in c function is included in the conio.h library.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q1. What is the purpose of getch in C?
Ans: getch in c is not a standard function that is used to read a single character from the console without echoing it to the console. This makes it useful for reading passwords or other sensitive data that should not be visible to other users.

Q2. How does scanf differ from getch in C?
Ans: scanf and getch in c are both used to read input from the console, but they differ in a few important ways. First, getch in c reads a single character at a time, while scanf in c can read multiple characters at once. Second, getch in c does not wait for the user to press Enter before returning, while scanf in c does wait for the user to press enter before returning. Third, getch in c does not echo the characters to the console, while scanf in c does echo the characters to the console. Finally, getch in c is a non-standard function that is typically used in Windows environments, while scanf in c is a standard function that is portable across different platforms.

Q3. What is the difference between getch and getchar?
Ans: getch and getchar are both used to read characters from the console, but getch does not echo the characters to the console, while getchar does. getch is a non-standard function and is typically used in Windows environments, while getchar is a standard function and is portable across different platforms.

Q4. How do you clear the console screen using getch in C?
Ans: To clear the console screen using getch in C, we can use the system command system("cls") or system("clear"), depending on the operating system we are using.

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