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Given a linked list of line segments, remove middle points

Last Updated on April 19, 2022 by Ria Pathak


The linked list is one of the most important concepts to know while preparing for interviews. Having a good grasp of a linked list can be a huge plus point in coding interviews.

Problem Statement

In this problem, we will be given a linked list, where each node will have two integers representing the x and y coordinates of a point. We need to remove the middle points present in the line segments drawn by joining the coordinates of the node.

Problem Statement Understanding

The problem statement is quite straightforward; we have to draw line segments corresponding to the coordinates of the nodes and then remove the middle points present in each line segment.

Suppose we have a horizontal line segment formed by 6 different points, then according to the problem statement, we need to remove the four points in between the starting and ending point of the line segment and leave the starting and ending point as it is.

  • We need to do the same with the lines that are vertical i.e., leave starting and ending points and remove middle points.

Let’s try to understand the problem with the help of examples:
If the linked list given to us is (4,3)→(7,3)→(10,3)→(10,4)→(10,7)→(10,8)→NULL.

  • From the above graphical plot of the given linked list, we see that the first three nodes form a line segment parallel to the x-axis.
  • So, the middle point in the line segment is the second node. Hence, it is removed.
  • Similarly, the last three nodes form a line segment parallel to the y-axis and the last second node, and the last third node, are the points that lie in between the starting and ending point of the segment.
  • Hence, both of them are removed from the list (removing middle points from line segment).
  • So, after removing all the middle points from the linked list, our final resultant linked list will be: (4,3)→(10,3)→(10,8)→NULL

At this point, we have understood the problem statement. Now we will try to formulate an approach for this problem.

Before moving to the approach section, try to think about how you can approach this problem.

  • If stuck, no problem, we will thoroughly see how we can approach this problem in the next section.

Let’s move to the approach section.


  • We will maintain two pointers initialized by the first and second nodes of the given list, respectively.
  • Now, we will iterate the list, and while iterating, we will check if two consecutive nodes have the same x or y coordinate or not.
  • If that is the case, then we will remove all the nodes that have the same x or y coordinate as the first pointer and keep the second pointer at the end of the segment.
  • In this way, all the middle points of the line segments will be removed, and hence our objective will be satisfied.

The approach is discussed in more depth in the algorithm section.


1) Initialize two pointers prev and curr with the first and second node of the list, respectively.
2) Iterate the list till curr is not NULL.
3) If the x-coordinate of curr, as well as prev, is equal (i.e., vertical line), then:
a) Create a start variable initialized to prev, which will denote the starting of the segment.
b) Move prev and curr forward by one node
c) Now, run a while loop until curr is not NULL and x-coordinates of curr and prev are equal.
d) Inside the loop, attach curr after start and delete the prev node.
e) Also, update prev to curr and move curr forward by one node.
4) If the y-coordinate of curr, as well as prev, is equal (i.e., Horizontal line), then:
a) Create a start variable initialized to prev, which will denote starting of the segment.
b) Move prev and curr forward by one node.
c) Now, run a while loop until curr is not NULL and y-coordinates of curr and prev are equal.
d) Inside the loop, attach curr after start and delete the prev node.
e) Also, update prev to curr and move curr forward by one node.
5) If none of the two coordinates is equal, move forward prev and curr by one node.

Dry Run

Code Implementation

using namespace std;

class Node {
    int x, y;
    Node *next;
    Node(int x,int y){
        this->x = x;
        this->y = y;
        next = NULL;

// Using this function we will print the list
void printList(Node *head)
    Node *temp = head;    
    while (temp != NULL) {
        printf("(%d, %d)-> ", temp->x, temp->y);        
        temp = temp->next;

// Using these functions we will delete the middle nodes from the given linked list.
void delete_Middle_Nodes(Node *head)
    Node *curr = head->next, *prev = head;
    while (curr) {
        // x-coordinate equality check
        if (curr->x == prev->x)
            Node *start = prev;
            prev = curr;
            curr = curr->next;        
            //remove the nodes in middle of
            //the segment parallel to y-axis
            while (curr && curr->x == prev->x)
                start->next = curr;
                prev = curr;
                curr = curr->next;

        // y-coordinate equality check
        else if (curr->y == prev->y)
            Node *start = prev;
            prev = curr;
            curr = curr->next;
            //remove the nodes in middle of
            //the segment parallel to x-axis
            while (curr && curr->y == prev->y)
                start->next = curr;
                prev = curr;
                curr = curr->next;
        } else {
            prev = curr;
            curr = curr->next;

int main() {
    Node *head = NULL;
    head = new Node(4,3);
    head->next = new Node(7,3);
    head->next->next = new Node(10,3);
    head->next->next->next = new Node(10,4);
    head->next->next->next->next = new Node(10,7);
    head->next->next->next->next->next = new Node(10,8);
    printf("Given Linked List: \n");
    printf("Modified Linked List: \n");
    return 0;
struct Node
    int x, y;
    struct Node *next;
void push(struct Node ** head_ref, int x,int y)
    struct Node* new_node =
           (struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
    new_node->x  = x;
    new_node->y  = y;
    new_node->next = (*head_ref);
    (*head_ref)  = new_node;
void printList(struct Node *head)
    struct Node *temp = head;
    while (temp != NULL)
        printf("(%d,%d)-> ", temp->x,temp->y);
        temp = temp->next;
void deleteNode(struct Node *head, struct Node *Next)
    head->next = Next->next;
    Next->next = NULL;
struct Node* deleteMiddle(struct Node *head)
    // If only one node or no node...Return back
    if (head==NULL || head->next ==NULL || head->next->next==NULL)
        return head;
    struct Node* Next = head->next;
    struct Node *NextNext = Next->next ;
    // Check if this is a vertical line or horizontal line
    if (head->x == Next->x)
        // Find middle nodes with same x value, and delete them
        while (NextNext !=NULL && Next->x==NextNext->x)
            deleteNode(head, Next);
            // Update Next and NextNext for next iteration
            Next = NextNext;
            NextNext = NextNext->next;
    else if (head->y==Next->y) // If horizontal line
        // Find middle nodes with same y value, and delete them
        while (NextNext !=NULL && Next->y==NextNext->y)
            deleteNode(head, Next);
            // Update Next and NextNext for next iteration
            Next = NextNext;
            NextNext = NextNext->next;
    else  // Adjacent points must have either same x or same y
        puts("Given linked list is not valid");
        return NULL;
    // Recur for next segment
    return head;
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
    struct Node *head = NULL;
    push(&head, 40,5);
    push(&head, 20,5);
    push(&head, 10,5);
    push(&head, 10,8);
    push(&head, 10,10);
    push(&head, 3,10);
    push(&head, 1,10);
    push(&head, 0,10);
    printf("Given Linked List: \n");
    if (deleteMiddle(head) != NULL);
        printf("Modified Linked List: \n");
    return 0;

class LineSegment
	Node head; 
	class Node
		int x,y;
		Node next;
		Node(int x, int y)
			this.x = x;
			this.y = y;
			next = null;

	/* This function deletes middle nodes in a sequence of
	 horizontal and vertical line segments represented
	 by linked list. */
	Node deleteMiddle()
		// If only one node or no node...Return back
		if (head == null || == null || == null)
			return head;

		Node Next =;
		Node NextNext =;

		// check if this is vertical or horizontal line
		if (head.x == Next.x)
			// Find middle nodes with same value as x and
			// delete them.
			while (NextNext != null && Next.x == NextNext.x)
			{ =; = null;

				// Update NextNext for the next iteration
				Next = NextNext;
				NextNext =;

		// if horizontal
		else if (head.y == Next.y)
			// find middle nodes with same value as y and
			// delete them
			while (NextNext != null && Next.y == NextNext.y)
			{ =; = null;

				// Update NextNext for the next iteration
				Next = NextNext;
				NextNext =;
		// Adjacent points should have same x or same y
			System.out.println("Given list is not valid");
			return null;
		// temporarily store the head and move head forward.
		Node temp = head;
		head =;

		// call deleteMiddle() for next segment

		// restore head
		head = temp;
		return head;
	void push(int x, int y)
		Node new_node = new Node(x,y); = head;
		head = new_node;
	void printList()
		Node temp = head;
		while (temp != null)
			temp =;

	/* Driver program to test above functions */
	public static void main(String args[])
		LineSegment llist = new LineSegment();

		System.out.println("Given list");

		if (llist.deleteMiddle() != null)
			System.out.println("Modified Linked List is");

class LinkedList(object):
	def __init__(self):
		self.head = None

	class Node(object):
		def __init__(self, x, y):
			self.x = x
			self.y = y = None

	def deleteMiddle(self):
		curr =
		prev = self.head
		while curr:

			if curr.x == prev.x:

				start = prev
				prev = curr
				curr =

				while curr and curr.x == prev.x: = curr
					del prev
					prev = curr
					curr =

			elif curr.y == prev.y:

				start = prev
				prev = curr
				curr =

				while curr and curr.y == prev.y: = curr
					del prev
					prev = curr
					curr =

				prev = curr
				curr =

	def push(self, x, y):

		new_node = self.Node(x, y) = self.head
		self.head = new_node

	def printList(self):
		temp = self.head
		while temp != None:
			print ("(" + str(temp.x) + "," + str(temp.y) + ")->",end=" ")
			temp =
		print ("Null")

# Driver program
llist = LinkedList()

print ("Given list")

print ("Modified Linked List is")


Given Linked List:
(4, 3)-> (7, 3)-> (10, 3)-> (10, 4)-> (10, 7)-> (10, 8)-> NULL
Modified Linked List:
(4, 3)-> (10, 3)-> (10, 8)-> NULL

Time Complexity: O(n), n is the number of nodes in the given list.
[forminator_quiz id=”5820″]

So, in this blog, we have tried to explain how you can remove middle points from a linked list where each node represents a coordinate in the XY-plane in the most optimal way. If you want to solve more questions on Linked List, which are curated by our expert mentors at PrepBytes, you can follow this link Linked List.

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