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netstat command linux

Last Updated on November 30, 2023 by Abhishek Sharma

In the vast realm of Linux system administration, understanding network connections is crucial for maintaining a secure and efficient environment. The netstat command is a powerful tool that provides detailed information about network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and more. Whether you are troubleshooting network issues or monitoring system performance, the netstat command is your go-to utility for gaining insights into network activities.

What is netstat command in linux?

The netstat command in Linux is a versatile networking utility that provides information about network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and other network-related information.

Basic Syntax of netstat command in linux

The basic syntax of the netstat command is as follows:

netstat [OPTIONS]

Without any options, netstat displays a list of open sockets and associated information. However, the real power of netstat lies in its various options that allow you to customize the output based on your specific requirements.

Common netstat Options and Use Cases

Here are some of the common netstat options:
1. Displaying All Sockets
To view a list of all open sockets and associated information, simply run


2. Displaying Listening Sockets
To see which services are listening for incoming connections, use the -l (or –listening) option:

netstat -l

3. Displaying TCP Connections
To list all TCP connections, use the -t (or –tcp) option:

netstat -t

4. Displaying UDP Connections
For UDP connections, use the -u (or –udp) option:

netstat -u

5. Displaying Network Interface Statistics
To see statistics for network interfaces, use the -i (or –interfaces) option:

netstat -i

6. Displaying Routing Table
The -r (or –route) option shows the kernel routing table:

netstat -r

The netstat command is a versatile and powerful tool for examining network connections in a Linux environment. Whether you’re troubleshooting network issues, monitoring system performance, or ensuring the security of your system, netstat provides valuable insights. By mastering the various options and use cases of the netstat command, Linux administrators can navigate the intricate web of network connections with confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the netstat Command in Linux

Here are some of the FAQs related to netstat Command in Linux:

1. What does the netstat command do in Linux?
The netstat command provides information about network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, and more in a Linux system.

2. How can I display all open sockets using netstat?
Simply run netstat without any options: netstat.

3. What s the purpose of the -l option in netstat?
The -l (or –listening) option displays services that are listening for incoming connections.

4. How do I view TCP connections with netstat?
Use the -t (or –tcp) option: netstat -t.

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