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Python Hello World Program

Last Updated on July 1, 2023 by Prepbytes

"Hello world" is often considered the inaugural phrase uttered by programmers. Whether they are novices or seasoned professionals, everyone with coding experience has embarked on their journey with the timeless task of printing "Hello World." In this blog post, we will explore various methods to print hello world in Python.

“Hello world” Using print() in Python

To print hello world in Python, we will utilize the print() function available in Python. The print() method is employed to display Python objects as strings through the standard output.

Following is the syntax for the Python print function:

Syntax: print(“string”)

Where String: "Hello world" will be the string here.

print("Hello World")


Hello World

Printing “Hello World” Using sys

The sys module in Python offers a number of functions and variables that are used to manage various elements of the Python runtime environment, and we’ll be using it to print strings in this method. Due to its accessibility to variables and functions that have a strong relationship with the interpreter, it enables working on the interpreter.

Stdout is used to show output to the screen console using sys.std.write().

Syntax: sys.stdout.write(“string”)
import sys

sys.stdout.write("Hello World")


Hello World

The "Hello World" program may seem simple, but it serves as an essential starting point for any Python developer. By mastering this basic program, you’ll gain a solid foundation in Python syntax and concepts, setting you on the path to becoming a proficient programmer. So let’s begin our Python journey and say "Hello World" with confidence!

FAQs related to Python Hello World Program

Q1: What is the purpose of the "Hello World" program in Python?
The "Hello World" program serves as a basic introduction to programming in Python. It helps beginners understand the syntax and structure of the language and serves as a starting point for more complex programs.

Q2: How can I write a "Hello World" program in Python?
Writing a "Hello World" program in Python is simple. Open a text editor or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), create a new Python file with a .py extension, and write the following code: print("Hello World"). Save the file and run it to see the output.

Q3. Can I customize the "Hello World" program to display a different message?
Absolutely! You can personalize the output by modifying the text inside the print() function. For example, you can change it to print("Hello Python") or print("Greetings, world!") to display a different message.

Q4: Are there alternative ways to print "Hello World" in Python?
Yes, there are alternative approaches. Apart from using the print() function, you can store the "Hello World" message in a variable and then print the variable. You can also use string concatenation or formatting to achieve the same result.

Q5: Is the "Hello World" program relevant for experienced Python programmers?
While the "Hello World" program is commonly associated with beginners, experienced programmers may still use it as a quick test or sanity check when setting up their programming environment or verifying that their Python installation is functioning correctly.

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